Monday, November 25, 2019

Music video production

At the start of my video I used slow motion on the third clip and I used an overlap of the title to fade in and fade out after 4.5 seconds.

I used special effects of lighting. I did this by getting a video/gif of lighting and removed the background and played it over the top of my original clip.
I used footage and played it over the top of another to create a split screen look

 I used the thing effect twice on this shot and did the same thing as I did before.
For the 4 way split screen I had to make a split screen for 2 videos then save that as an original clip then repeat for the other two. I then Layed this one the top in a split screen again to get a 4 way look.

Final Video and Website

Wednesday, November 6, 2019


I changed the shot for the lyric ' Are outside the line' of me sitting on a branch to me dancing because I physically couldn't get onto the branch.

I changed the shot for 'Only you can let it in' at 2:15  to myself dancing instead of another Izzy dancing.

This is all I had changed


I am going to change the first shot of me turning round to slow motion and make my Title of Unwritten bigger. I am also going to use Ken burns at 0:15 to echo my movement. I will also add slow motion 1:45 and cut the shot at 2:12 a bit quicker.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Website and video first draft



Music video production

At the start of my video I used slow motion on the third clip and I used an overlap of the title to fade in and fade out after 4.5 seco...